Our Clinic

Our Pain Management Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive and efficient treatment for various conditions related to acute and chronic pain to achieve long lasting relief.

We can issue Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) certifications for patients with eligible conditions specified by the New York State Department of Health (chronic pain, cancer, multiple sclerosis, PTSD, spinal cord injury with spasticity, or neuropathy, associated with severe chronic pain or severe muscle spasms).

At our specialized Pain Management Clinic, our Doctors’ knowledge of pain treatment is far greater than that of the regular physicians. Before developing your treatment plan, we take time to listen and analyze your unique condition in order to identify a pain management approach that will work best for you.

 We are very dedicated to providing all of our patients with the most effective pain management. We follow a course of conservative medical treatments before undertaking more invasive pain management therapies.

Medical Director: Leonid Vilensky, MD

Dr. V, as some patients call him, was trained at the Medical Military Academy and served as a medical officer on nuclear missile submarines for 9 years.

He completed a 4-year Anesthesiology Residency at Brookdale University Hospital in Brooklyn, NY and worked as an Anesthesiologist and a Pain Management Physician in New York City, Albany and the Rochester area. Dr. Vilensky has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of Pain Management and Anesthesiology.

Dr. V himself had suffered from chronic back pain after a severe spine injury caused by a deadly helicopter crash (while he was stationed with a humanitarian mission hospital helping people affected by an armed conflict in South Asia). After the injury, he had to undergo a complicated back surgery. Having experienced severe back pain himself, Doctor Vilensky is able to better relate to his patients and care for them.